Andrea Diefenbach and Anja Weber

Who has the power?
Fundamental challenges determine our present. As part of the Transformers lecture series, photographers, typographers and illustrators will discuss the potential of design as a transformative, emancipatory act.

On Tuesday, January 16, 2024, Andrea Diefenbach and Anja Weber will talk about "Who has the power? Participation in photography". Both photographers will present selected works of their own. Together they will talk about how they deal with power relations in photography, how they design transparent work processes and how they understand participation.
The talk will take place at Hartmann Projects, Liststr. 28/1, 70180 Stuttgart. Admission free. Start 19:30
Introduction: Angelika Hartmann

The Merz Akademie lecture series in the winter semester 2023/24 is curated by Prof. Anja Weber, Prof. Florian Bayer and Prof. Joost Bottema.

Andrea Diefenbach is a freelance photographer and professor of photography at the University of the Arts Bremen. Since graduating from the University of Applied Sciences in Bielefeld, she has worked for German and international magazines and organizations as well as on personal photographic book and exhibition projects. Andrea Diefenbach's pictures from the rural regions of the Republic of Moldova are a journey through time to a place that has been in an identity crisis since its independence a good 30 years ago[1]. In her book projects "Realitatea" (Hartman Books, 2022) and "Land ohne Eltern" (Kehrer Verlag, 2012), she explores the living conditions of people in one of the poorest countries in Europe.
Anja Weber is a photographer and has been a professor of photography at the Merz Akademie since the winter semester of 2022. She works for editorial offices, institutions, artists and companies. She regularly develops photographic campaigns for public and civil society clients. In her artistic projects, she researches the topics of representation, identity and space as well as questions of staging and the assertion of reality in photographic representation. Anja Weber studied photography and film/video in Dortmund, Exeter and New York. She was a Fulbright Scholar at New York University and the International Center of Photography. From 2017-2019 she taught photography at the German University in Cairo.

Photo credits
Andrea Diefenbach, from the book "Realitatea"
Portrait Andrea Diefenbach: © Thekla Ehling

Anja Weber, from the work "California Men"
Portrait Anja Weber: © Greg Reynolds