
March 21 – End of August 2020

in our Galleryspace, Galerienhaus Stuttgart
Breitscheidstr. 48, 70176 Stuttgart
Tue – Fr: 14 – 19 Uhr
Sa: 11 – 16 Uhr

The exhibition is open to the public again from 21 April. As a visitor, please observe the generally applicable rules of conduct to contain the Corona pandemic. For an individual visit you are welcome to make a separate appointment by phone or e-mail.

The impressive landscape photographs by Olaf Otto Becker deal with human-induced processes of change on earth. Our exhibition shows a selection of images from his major long-term projects on the tropical rainforest and icebergs of Greenland, as well as new images from prehistoric caves. They verify the changes that will increasingly preoccupy us humans in coming decades.